

Peter從小到大回家經過的不起眼小公園,在我們的婚攝Robbin Lee的巧手下,居然化身成為浪漫夢幻的背景!這張照片對我們的意義大過於任何飯店場景,因為它乘載了兩個家:舊的和新的,上一輩和下一輩的。因為婚攝羅賓的細心、耐心、以及專業,讓我們的婚禮記錄穿越時空,進一步達到傳承的意義。

This photo was taken by photographer, Robbin Lee, on the day after our wedding reception in Taipei. It means something more than recording a wedding because this park is just around the corner of Peter’s house, where he spent his childhood. Through Robbin’s eyes, Peter and I are dancing in what is passed down from preceding generations. The photo illustrates how marriage connects the generations to one another.